Tiwa DiGi MAG- All Issues
Welcome to the #KickOffEdition of Tiwa DigiMAG- Afirca's first digital magazine. Totally FREE and hugely addictive. This digital magazine is being positioned to reorient Africa through mobile journalism. We employ the latest technologies in creating, exhibiting, distributing out contents. Our editorial team comprises of the some of best hands that journalism has got to offer, pulled from every part of Africa. We are starting off this edition with a unique blend of entertainment, information, and inspiration. We have packaged this contents in a very interactive manner. There is a thought provoking, Re-Orientation article which we christened "A case of Mistaken Identity; Nigeria. We also have the EntertainAfrica section; a quintessential review of the top songs that have taken over the radios, clubs and music playlist in Africa. In addition, we review top movies has has taken over our cinemas. The section also creates a home for this week's Africas' Next Big Thing-Yemi Alade. We, indeed, have called the science & technology corner- AfriGeek. The topic under this section will be an interesting read for everyone. Especially for internet and gadgets freaks. We are also taking a big look into the surprise happenings at the 2014 FIFA World Cup; under the Sports section. As we all know, Africa is richly blessed. This week, we highlight four (4) reasons why you should kick-off you businesses in Africa. We also have a comprehensive display of job vacancies across Africa. We believe Africa is luxuriantly blessed, so have we have highlighted four (4) pointers why you can and should start a business in Africa. Do not miss out on our comprehensive display of job vacancies across Africa and be sure look out for this intriguing edition's Personality Of The Week; Nobel Prize winner & environmental activist, Maathai Wangari. There's also an health talk on the EBOLA virus, and many more. On behalf of the Editorial team, I welcome you to join us on this mind-blowing journey. Enjoy!!!