Magzter Gift Card

Gift your loved ones with a Magzter Gift Card instantly and give them the freedom to read their favorite magazines and newspapers from thousands of best-selling titles.

Magzter Gift Card

Magzter GOLD Gift Card

Gift unlimited access to 9,000+ digital magazines and newspapers for 1 year


Magzter Gift Card

Magzter GOLD Lite Gift Card

Gift unlimited access to any 5 Magzter GOLD digital magazines/newspapers for 1 year


Magzter Gift Card

Magazine/Newspaper Gift Card

Gift the freedom to choose from thousands of digital magazines and newspapers


Looking to place a bulk order

If you like to buy gift cards in bulk for your business or organization, please write to us at giftcards@magzter.comand we'll be happy to come up with a customized proposal for you.

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