
As Right As Rain
’Tis the season of mists, mud – and moaning, says Eve Jones, wrestling with yet another inside-out umbrella. But hang on. What about the smell of rain on the hill and those hot baths afterwards…

Racing Trainers Turn Loaders At East Garston
Lambourn is the home of the racehorse but many of racing’s famous names helped out at this fundraising shoot

Golden Ticket Winners At The High Four Day
Four challenging drives, each at a different Gloucestershire estate, tested the lucky guns who won the GWCT raffle

Beauty, Beast And A Perfect View
To bag your stag, one of the three parts of the Field Macnab challenge, you’ll need to ensure you have patience – and the best tools for the job

Hospital Wings
Falconry has strong sporting and cultural significance in the United Arab Emirates, where medical care reflects the affection felt for these beloved birds

Bryony Daniels
Tackling bogs with a garron or taking photographs as #TheHuntress, this producer, stylist and private PA says her heart is in the Highlands

Art In The Field
Landseer’s famous portrait of a stag has been secured for the nation but, finds Janet Menzies, this famous 12-pointer is still being shot at.

Foraging And Foul Play
The Midsomer Murderers are missing a few tricks, thinks Jonathan Young, with nature’s bounty offering potential both on and off the dinner table

A Wild Adventure In The Orkneys
Wildfowling in the Orkneys offers thrilling sport – and helps the island’s beleaguered farmers control the over-abundant geese

Spanish Style At Challacombe
How would French redlegs, bred and reared in Spain, perform during a Westcountry southwester?

Building British Guns A Different Way
Does the revolutionary design of the Longthorne shotgun, including barrels made from a single billet, mark James Longthorne Stewart as genius or maverick?

Should We Still Be Shooting Woodcock?
As the resident population of this gamebird declines, should it remain on the quarry list?
A Black Beak But Beautiful Mid Winter
Cold and barren it may be but colourful traditions around the Solstice – expertly adopted by the Christian Church – make this a time of hope and glory, says Sir Johnny Scott
Getting A Taste For The Salt
For the third year running, rods headed to St Mawes in Cornwall to compete in the Kilchoman UK Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival for The Field Cup – and the chance to land a wide range of species
The Name Game
With human monikers, makes of gun or even gamebirds used to identify gundogs, David Tomlinson prefers the simplicity of the hunt system for naming foxhounds

Art In The Field
Raoul Millais came from a family adept at capturing the spirit of the age on canvas. It is time his work was re-evaluated, suggests Janet Menzies

Bloat And The Need To Act Quickly
Gastric dilation torsion, or bloat, is not common in dogs – but it is often fatal, as the winner of our Best Family Gundog award discovered, sadly. David Tomlinson describes the symptoms

There's More To Shooting Than Shooting
A growing obsession with continual large bags is destroying the quality of the shooting experience, says Editor Jonathan Young, and damaging the reputation of the sport in the process

Art In The Field
Bruce Little’s latest sculpture is now greeting visitors to Longleat after a tortuous journey from South Africa, as he explains to Janet Menzies

Tricky Cocks At Willey's
Difficult conditions make for testing birds to be added to the Foresters’ gamebook, kept meticulously since 1825

Out For A Duck
The foreshore fowling season ends on 20 February. Here are nine species that may feature in the bag and on the table

And They Call It Puppy Love
There’s no better way for a man to perk up his dating profi le than by posing with a puppy. It gives a whole new meaning to picking-up…