Ayaan Deshpande is nine years old, and believe it or not, he has performed at a series of concerts in prestigious venues in Vienna. At such a young age, the child prodigy has given concerts before he is even a teenager. A skilled concert pianist and composer, the curly-haired fifth-grade student, who likes watching animal and wildlife documentaries and who celebrates his tenth birthday next month end, has drawn widespread acclaim all over the world since his first public performance in November 2021 alongside the Symphony Orchestra India (SOI).
Tribal Activists
The police had arrested a Jharkari tribal from Chitki village of Sindewahi Block just for a petty quarrel with his brother. So the tribal villagers pleaded with Paromita Goswami to help them get their kin released.
Global Connectivity: Redefining World Citizen Day
Imagine a world without boundaries, in which people respect the diverse cultures of the world and act as citizens of one united world.
AMIKA GEORGE A Synonym for Youth Activism
Young activist Amika George has accomplished more than most aged 24. She set out with the single goal of eradicating period poverty in the U.K., and has succeeded in it and become a poster girl for youth activism.
Believe You Are Really Someone
All you have and achieve in your life is a result of your belief in yourself
Be The Change Why Gandhi Still Matters To YOU
“You be the change you wish to see in the world.” These famous lines by Mahatma Gandhi aren’t just an eye-catching Instagram caption; they’re a call to action, especially for you, today’s youth
In recent times, an alarming surge in the use of vaping products among adolescents has become a cause for concern. Factors such as lack of awareness, the allure of being part of the ‘cool’ crowd, and the visual appeal of packaging have collectively contributed to this unsettling trend
Celebrating National Unity Day
India is often referred to as the land of ‘unity in diversity’. India’s cultural landscape is a kaleidoscope of traditions, customs, and artistic expressions that have evolved over centuries
If you’re looking for new young male pop singers, there’s a good chance you’ve heard Jamie Miller as one of the newest additions to the list
Unveiling the Wonders of Nature's Miniature Architects
In the bustling tapestry of nature, few creatures captivate our imagination like ants
Cook a Little Extra Food for...
Her grandparents’ charity of distributing food to beggars on different occasions inspired Sneha Mohandas to follow in their footsteps by distributing food on Thursdays near Sai Baba Temple. But gradually, the young Visual Communications student from Chennai realised that occasional alms would not solve the world’s hunger
A Staunch Advocate for Gun Control
India's Space Odyssey and Its Blessings
India became the first country in the world to land in the Southern Polar Region of the moon when Chandrayaan-3 made a perfect touchdown on 24 August 2023
Aikido is Japan’s most modern and traditional martial art. It was founded by O Sensei (Great Master) Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). Aikido is a combination of three words and three concepts. Ai means harmony; Ki means spirit; Do means way — “it is the way of harmonising with spirit
बूंदरों के तमाशे तो तुमने बहुत देखे होंगे। मदारी के इशारों पर बंदर कैसी-कैसी नकलें करता है, उसकी शरारतें भी तुमने देखी होंगी। तुमने उसे घरों से कपड़े उठाकर भागते देखा होगा। पर आज हम तुम्हें एक ऐसा हाल सुनाते हैं, जिससे मालूम होगा कि बंदर लड़कों से दोस्ती भी कर सकता है।
हर लड़की को अपने राजकुमार का इंतजार होता है, जो घोड़ी में आकर उसे ले जाये। लगभग सभी लड़कियां यही सपने देखकर बड़ी होती हैं। सिंड्रेला भी ऐसी ही लड़की थी, जो बचपन से अपने राजकुमार का इंतजार करती आ रही थी। सिंड्रेला के हालात बहुत खराब एवं मजबूरी भरी थे, तब भी उसने यह सपना देखना नहीं छोड़ा था। सिंड्रेला के जीवन में एक परी आती है, जो उसके जीवन को बदल देती है, उसे उसके राजकुमार से मिलाती है। चलिए, आज आपको परियों की दुनिया में लेकर चलते हैं और सिंड्रेला और उसके राजकुमार से मिलाते हैं।
अपने जीवनवृत्त के विषय में बिबिया की माई ने कभी कुछ बताया नहीं, किन्तु उसके मुख पर अंकित विवशता की भंगिमा, हाथों पर चोटों के निशान, पैर का अस्वाभाविक लंगड़ापन देखकर अनुमान होता था कि उसका जीवन-पथ सुगम नहीं रहा।
“उर्मि ! यह क्या हालत बना रखी है तुमने? अब देखा नहीं जाता। तुम्हारी दयनीय हालत, स्वास्थ्य और अजब की वेशभूषा देखकर अचंभित हूं मैं।
भारत में प्रसिद्ध महल
भारत महान परंपराओं और शाही अंदाज की एक सुंदर भूमि है। महानता और भव्यता को दर्शाते ये भव्य महल देश के शाही अतीत की एक शानदार झलक प्रस्तुत करते हैं। ये महल भारत के विभिन्न हिस्सों में स्थित हैं और इन स्थानों को एक पर्यटक स्थल में बदल चुके हैं। इन महलों की सुंदरता, कलाकृति और भव्यता वास्तव में दर्शनीय है, जिन्हें सभी को देखना चाहिए।
आखिर बेटियां अचानक कहां गायब हो रहीं
हाल ही में संसद में महिलाओं और बच्चियों के गायब होने का आंकड़ा पेश किया गया। वह काफी चौंकाने वाला है।
शेर और लड़का
बच्चो, शेर तो शायद तुमने न देखा हो, लेकिन उसका नाम तो सुना ही होगा। शायद उसकी तस्वीर देखी हो और उसका हाल भी पढ़ा हो। शेर अकसर जंगलों और कछारों में रहता है।
हनुमानजी माता सीता से लंका में अशोकवाटीका में छोटा रूप धारण कर मिले तथा सीता माता की आज्ञा से अपनी भूख मिटाने के लिए वाटिका से फल तोड़कर खाने लगे।
Unlocking the Power of AI and ChatGPT for teens!
Dear teenager, let me elucidate, How ChatGPT can navigate your fate, When schoolwork looms, a daunting peak, ChatGPT provides the answers you seek.
CAN AI Substitute My Teacher?
As digital technology is radically revolutionalising human spaces, it is also posing the threat of replacing humans in several conventional jobs. A moot question is raised if AI could substitute the teacher.
Always Have a Plan B
“Never sail on two boats” is an old proverb that has been around for centuries. It is a warning to people not to try doing too many things at once. It’s true that when you focus on two or multiple things at once you might lose focus and may not be able to put a hundred per cent into what you do. Consequently, the results you get may not be up to your expectations.
TEJAS TEWARI The Golden Boy of India's chess
With just 53,483 sq km of land, Uttarakhand is the 18th largest State among the 28 States of India. Although larger than Punjab, Haryana and Kerala, 24,305 sq km of the State is Forest Area, that is, 45.44% of the State’s area.
Geoffrey Hinton - The Godfather of Artificial Intelligence
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution has fundamentally changed the ways people collect and process data, as well as transformed business operations across different industries.
Many years ago, a young priest told me he was going to do his doctorate. Now, I know that doctorates for priests in our country are a dime a dozen and many small colleges and seminaries offer the same.
The Magic of AI in Education: A Double-Edged Sword
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come into our lives and is becoming an integral part, but it’s not just limited to Siri or Alexa! A few years ago, it all looked like a part of a sci-fi fantasy. Today, it’s a reality that’s knocking on the doors of our classrooms and redesigning how we learn and study. But as with any superhero, with great power comes responsibility. AI, too, has its strengths and weaknesses.
Are you trying to find a martial art whose training is both traditional and sporty? Then judo is the best martial art for you.