Young, Black, Rich & Famous with $10 bills hanging out my anus-Drake
Top 35 Must Attend Events for Millennial CEOs & Established Entrepreneurs so plan ahead for 2017
Always Yourself Unless You can be Beyonce Always be Beyonce
Chef Joseph “jj” Johnson Chef
The Heart to Start
Have you ever found yourself sitting on the doorsteps of destiny wondering what direction your feet should move toward? There are many paths that lead to your next destination of greatness, yet because there are countless options we often find ourselves stuck in a rut of indecision. The power rests in your ability to make a swift decision and detach from the outcome, detach from the fear of failure, detach from the opinion of others, detach from the disappointments, detach from the unknown and embrace the beauty that rests in the present moment.
2017 Black Mogul Of The Year
The Damn Salon & The Business of Hair.
Mogul Travel
The Luxurious SLS Hotel (W Hotel’s latest acquisition) via Las Vegas.
Airfordable CEO Ama Marfo
Restaurant Mogul
Chef Joseph “jj” Johnson Chef