Growing food for Chickens
Mary Larham explores some crops to grow on your holding…
Poultry in the garden – the truth!
Jo-Jane Buxton shares her experiences
The British Waterfowl Association
Which came first, the goose or the egg?
Brinsea Products, the Incubation Specialists explain the difference between still air and forced draught
Incubating turkey eggs
Janice Houghton-Wallace looks at broody turkeys and artificial incubation
Chicken nesting box herbs
Diana Clauss owns The Blue Feather Farm, in St Cloud, Florida, home to chickens, ducks, goats, and Anatolian Shepherd dogs.
Incubate in January?
Jessica Wombwell says plan the breeding
Andy's DIARY
Andy emphases the importance of keeping out damp and wet but allowing ventilation even in cold weather
Feeding for Breeding
It may be winter, but as Joanna Palmer, nutritionist for Smallholder Range explains, now’s the time to get your flock in tiptop shape and plan ahead for a successful breeding season next spring.
A chick named Cuckoo raised by a duck!
Chris Hammacott and her husband live on a small croft in the Outer Hebrides, they keep a ‘no kill’ flock or rare and rescue sheep which they use to spin and weave rugs. They also share the 8 acres with hens, ducks, cats and 9 rescue pugs.
Feathers For Fun
Janice Houghton-Wallace says use those feathers for Christmas gifts
Coping With The Big Chill
Liz Fairbrother gives some pointers for poultry care in the winter
Breeds In Brief - The Ko Shamo
Stuart Kay admires a distinctive fowl
Buying Your Electric Poultry Netting Kit
A fox attack can happen at any time. We would all love our hens to free range but with Mr Fox and other predators on the prowl that is not always possible.
Andy's Diary
The end of the year is always a time for reflection on the year gone and preparation for the breeding season to come.
In The Zone
Joanna Palmer BSc Hons, nutritionist for the Smallholder Range, offers some timely advice to help keep your flock safe and healthy given the threat posed by the latest outbreaks of avian influenza.
Important Choices
We highlight a few of the essential decisions that need to be made as newcomers to the hobby plan the arrival of their first chickens.
Frozen Solid
Alan Holtham seeks assistance in his annual battle with the frozen drinkers in his chicken pens, but are electric heaters a viable answer?
Chris Graham sings the praises of the Andalusian; a really useful breed that, despite its many plus points, remains stubbornly stuck in the wings.
Running Repairs
After refurbishing his hen housing last month, Alan Holtham switches his expert, practical attention to his chicken runs, and what’s needed to bring those back up to scratch.
How Are They Doing?
Winter can take its toll on the general health of your chickens, so now’s a great time to take a step back and assess what’s what.
Andy's Diary
At this time of year most of my attention is devoted to trying to ensure a successful breeding season for 2018.
Indian Runner Ducks
The Indian Runner Duck Association becomes the Indian Runner Duck Club - Secretary Christine Ashton
Andy's Diary
Keeping order in the poultry pens; telling the sexes and mobile mowers are all part of early summer plans
Poultry For The Table And Market Versus Fancy Fowls (1891 And Now)
Fred Hams says this is as true now as it was then.
Organising A Poultry Show
Janice Houghton-Wallace explains about what is involved
Avian Influenza -The Future
Experienced poultry vet, David Parsons, MRCVS, explains some of the health-related consequences of prolonged confinement, and how to deal with them
The Question Of Quarantine
Many people buy from shows and sales – Paul Donvan considers what you should do when you get them home?
Light For Eggs
ALAN HOLTHAM says laying hens can benefit from a low cost extension of daylight
Andy's Diary
Autumn is always a time when I realise that I am not as organised as I should be.