Ideas, Imaginations And JNU
The Thinker

Ideas, Imaginations And JNU

Subverting the status quo, questioning the norm, demystifying mysterious social rules, challenging orthodoxy, and questioning modernity are some of the distinctive characteristics of JNU culture.

10+ mins  |
Issue 70 - Fourth Quarter 2016
How Not To Do It
The Thinker

How Not To Do It

Zeal to remove a particular politician can prompt campaigners to ignore basic democratic principles.

10+ mins  |
Issue 74 - Fourth Quarter 2017
Linking Technology, Innovation And Entrepreneurship At Innovation Bridge 2017
The Thinker

Linking Technology, Innovation And Entrepreneurship At Innovation Bridge 2017

Linking Technology, Innovation And Entrepreneurship At Innovation Bridge 2017

3 mins  |
Issue 74 - Fourth Quarter 2017
Deceit And Demonisation
The Thinker

Deceit And Demonisation

Deceit And Demonisation

6 mins  |
Issue 74 - Fourth Quarter 2017
Adjusting The Narrative Lens
The Thinker

Adjusting The Narrative Lens

The distortions of history produced in the West during a time when Africans were either enslaved or colonised have continued to direct the thinking of most modern historians.

7 mins  |
Issue 74 - Fourth Quarter 2017
Pan-Afrikanism Or Man-Afrikanism?
The Thinker

Pan-Afrikanism Or Man-Afrikanism?

Pan-Afrikanism Or Man-Afrikanism?

10 mins  |
Issue 74 - Fourth Quarter 2017
3D Printing Technology Improves Traditional Manufacturing Sectors
The Thinker

3D Printing Technology Improves Traditional Manufacturing Sectors

Customised implants for public sector patients particularly (but not exclusively) for reconstructive surgery following cancer removal, physical trauma or to correct congenital birth defects. (Source: Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, Central University of Technology).

2 mins  |
Issue 70 - Fourth Quarter 2016