Homeopathic Practice & The Power Of Objective Assessment
The best thing for homeopathic students and also doctors to do is to go back to the essence, or ‘source,’ of Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s tenets, and use the power of objective observation to revolutionise their homeopathic skills and practice of medicine, in the best manner possible — simply, sensibly, and without rigmarole.
Multiple Sclerosis & Homeopathy
Homeopathy does not treat just multiple sclerosis symptoms per se, but rather the person having such symptoms with all their nuanced temperamental aspects, likes and dislikes, aside from complex personal and family history. This purports to deftly taking the full case and understanding the totality of symptoms in the context of the patient’s overall experience of life, and finding specific homeopathic remedies for the disorder.
Homeopathy For Illness-Free Vacations
The holiday season is upon us — where has the old year gone? During the last month-and-a-half, many of us have been gearing up for a busy few weeks. But, don’t let self-care fall by the wayside. Who has the time to get sick during the busiest time of the New Year? So, keep the following tips, along with select homeopathic remedies, in mind this holiday season — and, your body and mind will thank you for it.
No More ‘Sit Bone' Pain
Elise is sixty. As she sits in the chair opposite me I get the sense that she is tensed and anxious. This lady was careful to put down a buttock support in the chair but was struggling to find just the right angle for sitting in it.
Wheeze Relief With Holistic Homeopathy
Homeopathy treats asthmatic symptoms that are unique to the individual, not just the outward signs — because, no two asthmatic individuals present with the same symptoms.
Gelsemium Effects ‘In Vitro:'
A bridge between homeopathy & molecular biology.
Tamannaah's Wellness Mantra
Tamannaah Bhatia is known for her gorgeous looks, great figure and long, dark tresses.
A Case Of Profound Depression
A Case Of Profound Depression
The Bug Paradox & Homeopathy
The wheel has turned full circle — in spite of advances in conventional medicine. Call it the growing paradox of flu and other viral illnesses, or what you may. Homeopathy has a lot to offer, in the prevention and treatment of such illnesses — without the fear of ‘drug-resistance.’
Homeopathy In Breast Cancer Surgery: The First Randomised Clinical Trial On Treatment With Arnica Montana
Homeopathy In Breast Cancer Surgery: The First Randomised Clinical Trial On Treatment With Arnica Montana
Disha Patani's Wellness Mantra
Disha Patani’s Wellness Mantra
Of Parenthood & Beyond
Whilst the delights and wonders of your new, bundle of joy are many, the pressures can also at times be overwhelming, because new parents can feel the burden of added responsibility, duties and household chores, among others. Where there’s adaptability, understanding, and harmony, along with a handful of homeopathic remedies, there is always a way…
Kangana Ranaut's Wellness Mantra
Kangana Ranaut is one of Bollywood’s most stunning beauties.
Nimrat Kaur's Wellness Mantra
Nimrat Kaur, the gorgeous Bollywood diva, began her career as a model.
Laughter, The Best Medicine
While I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease.
The Significance Of Dreams In Homeopathy
Dreams are the entryway to the symbolic realm of the psyche — a powerful force underlying our consciousness. They are also the unhampered expression of our subconscious speaking the truth to us about our lives. They reveal the ‘deepest part’ of our being. They can, therefore, be a useful guide to the homeopath and their mind-body percept as well as to the patient and provide insightful clues to the homeopathic remedy selection — with better treatment outcomes.
Say Goodbye To Your Anxieties With Homeopathy
Anxiety is as old as the hills; it is also a part of life. Excess, or long-term, anxiety is a contributory factor in several disorders — also, a direct cause of illness. On the other hand, a little anxiety clearly motivates us to reach our goals faster. Here’s help to beat your worrying anxieties — by way of ‘letting-go’ things and homeopathic healing.
Homeopathic Remedies For Fear Of People & Desire For Company
Studying and analysing the homeopathic remedies that possess either or both the symptoms show how the fear of people and the desire for company reflect the unique essence of the remedy. By understanding the origins of the fear and the desire to have someone close, we can more accurately prescribe a remedy that addresses the core of the problem.
Feel The Grass Below Your Feet
Just walk on grass or, better still, lie down on it. You will be transformed in no time.
Of Fire & Brimstone
This is a short story about a long case. The remedy is pretty ‘run of the mill,’ except that in homeopathy there is no mill.
Beyond The Antibiotic Fallout
There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck in a downward spiral of illness. The one big, more disconcerting, problem is recurring infections caused by antibiotic use, or overuse. Is there a way out? Yes, of course — homeopathy.
A Case Of Myalgic Encephalitis
Many years ago, I made my first house call in about five years to see a 59-year-old woman who was unable to travel.
Paediatric Atopic Diseases: Short- And Long-term Results Of Homeopathic Treatment
An observational study was conducted at the Lucca Homeopathic Clinic from 1998 to 2014. 325 consecutive paediatric [child] patients with atopic disorders [asthma, eczema and hay fever] were assessed to evaluate clinical outcomes following homeopathic treatment and the long-term evolution of the disease in patients with ≥5 years’ follow-up. The results show positive short- and long-term clinical benefits in atopic children who receive homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy & Emotional Illness
Homeopathy lays the greatest emphasis in treating the source of various emotional problems — the individual in question, because each of us reacts to any given emotional or physical illness differently.
Picric Acid: Of Brain Fag & Nervous Fatigue
The homeopathic Picric Acid individual presents with typical headaches. Their mental context is characterised by apathy and lack of purpose, or will power. What is also obvious is: they report that they feel awfully exhausted after attending to routine work, or performing just a little task.
Yami Gautam's Wellness Mantra
Yami Gautam is a stunning beauty.
Mind Over Matter
It is rightly said that our mind is our own resident physician. What’s more, our body too is as intelligent as our mind; the two, in unison, are our internal healing system’s most powerful allies. Our mind works through the brain and nervous system; in so doing, it sends powerful notes, or messages, to our body. This is fundamental to prompt, or plod, the functioning of our healing mechanisms. This is also, doubtless, the foundational principle of nature’s most natural, time-tested, all-encompassing approach integral to homeopathic treatment.
Cyclamen: Not Just A Woman's Remedy
What distinguishes the homeopathic Cyclamen personality is their penchant to understanding things, not just from their own ‘radar,’ but also from someone else’s perspective. Yet, they are often bogged down by anxiety, with a creepy canvas enveloping their repentant thinking.
Breast Pain: When Even Hugs Hurt
Woman-to-woman, let me ask you: have you ever avoided a nice, warm hug from a loved one, simply because your breasts were too tender? Would it have sounded scary if a conventional doctor had diagnosed your problem as mastalgia? No worries. Just get rid of mastalgia, gently — with homeopathy.
Sidharth Malhotra's Wellness Mantra
Sidharth Malhotra’s Wellness Mantra