On Minnesota Lake Chain
Fishermen Help Minnesota Biologists Learn More About Musky Population In Baby & Man Lakes
Anglers, Biologists Working Together
Cooperation is a wonderful thing, especially when two groups that don’t always see eye to eye work toward a common goal.
Turtle Man
Turgeon’s Tech Tips.
Number 1
Joe’s top tactic during the difficult times of 2018 was twitching suspending minnowbaits. Here’s how he did it.
The Weakest Link In Your Musky Set-up
Have you ever watched an autorace in which a driver seems tobe on his way to a sure victory but with a few laps to go his car breaks down and he’s out of the race? When they ask the driver what happened, you often hear him say something to the effect of “a 50-cent part cost us a sure victory.”
Off the Deep End for Giant Muskies
The northeastern United States is blessed with a hit list of big, deep-flowing rivers that connect all of the Great Lakes. Each one of these rivers is unique but they all have three things in common — deep water, current and good populations of trophy muskies.
Musky Casting Techniques For Kids
If I could be anywhere in the world, there’s no doubt I’d be on a boat with a musky rod in my hands. I’ve pretty much been fishing ever since I could balance on my own two legs.
The Flowage Advantage
Flowages, a.k.a. reservoirs, have beautiful shorelines and, usually, lots of big muskies. What’s not to like?
Researchers learn what types of woody cover muskies prefer.
Consumption Vs. Trophy Fishing Can They Coexist?
Researchers try to answer if trophy musky fisheries can be developed where harvest occurs
A Case For Downsizing
A smaller lure may be the trick to get reluctant muskies to commit
Tick & Click
In this day of giant bucktails and soft plastics, crankbaits tend to be overlooked. However, they have triggered many of Joe’s best muskies in recent years.
Fishing livebait in shallow weeds has proven extremely effective for the author.
Rubber Bait Rundown
An understanding of each bait’s qualities will help you choose the right one for the situation.
Significant Differences
Illinois researchers find the strain of musky stocked in your waters really does matter.
Early Fall Patterns
Early fall provides some of the best opportunities in the entire season to catch a giant musky.
Enter The Night
A primer for newcomers to the night fishing game.
When Dumb Fish Wise Up
When word of a hot fishery spreads to the masses, uneducated muskies don’t stay that way long. Here’s how to adjust to the new ‘normal’
6 Guide Tips For More Muskies
How many of these six self-help tips do you practice in your quest for muskies?
Roll The Dice
The considerations that matter to early season lake selection.
Interview With Andy Veith Of Infamous Musky Tackle
The world of angling encompasses more than just the actual act of fishing. One of the hottest and most active segments of the sport today isn’t the anglers themselves — it’s a small cadre of artisan bait builders and the creations they make.
Breaking Down Shimano's Tranx Series
Shimano’s Tranx reel series has taken the musky world bystorm, and for good reason — it is packed with many features that make it stand out. Here is a short list of some of the features that make the Tranx what it is.
Genetics 101
The question of fish genetics is of vital importance when stocking is discussed
A Perfect Cure For Cabin Fever
Wisconsin’s Southern Zone Offers The Chance To Get Your String Stretched Before Things Start Happening Elsewhere In The Northern Musky Range
Confidence: There Is No Subtitute
If You’re Confident In Your Abilities, Your Baits And Your Waters, Your Catches Will Surely Soar
Get Jiggy With It
When Muskies Won’t Move Much For A Meal, It’s Time To Go Vertical With Your Presentation
Start Fast During The Shield's First Days
Fishing the Canadian Shield during the first couple weeks of the season is awesome! A number of lakes and variety of water types can be within striking distance from one destination.
Rigging Up For Big Water Muskies
Chasing muskies with fly fishing gear is becoming more commonplace. In this article, I will discuss a few things that matter when approaching big water fish. Let’s start with the rod/line/leader set-up.
Water Temp: The Key To Early Summer Muskies
There are a number of factors that come into play on any early season musky outing, but this one is arguably the most significant.
Go Topside In Late Summer
Is there truly a better fishing experience than a topwater strike? Whether it’s a violent explosion on the surface or an almost silent “gulp,” the strike is what grabs the excitement of musky anglers and keeps them coming back for more.