Is This A Flu, Cold, Allergy Or Sinusitis?
Cold, flu, allergy, sinusitis can all involve the upper airway and cause diseases. The upper airway includes the nose, sinus, throat and larynx above the voice box. Many patients cannot differentiate if they are having a flu or cold; a nose allergy or sinusitis.
Do You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Abdominal bloating, visible distension of your tummy, chronic diarrhoea, excessive gas, flatulence and abdominal cramps and discomfort are all very common symptoms that anyone can have from time to time, and are usually due to overeating or consumption of unhealthy foods.
Sting & His Superstar Journey
With his sleek and ever trendy image, it can be quite hard to believe Sting’s real age. His career and the transformation are equally surprising - from a small-town boy living next to a shipyard to a global celebrity with significant influence. Sting’s life story is full of exploration, daring expression and determination to improve as many people’s lives as possible.
Killing The Addiction
Both first and second hand tobacco inhalation have resulted in medical conditions related to tobacco consumption, overpowering the death rates contributed by chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer or even HIV/ AIDS. Smoking has also shown to have scientific links to various cancers, respiratory, cognitive and even fetal disorders.