Creating Abundance
Natural abundance comes from “getting into the flow.”
He Never Saw The Dragon
The actions of the hero change the outcome—and that’s how heroes are anointed.
Create Your Own Sunshine
What if the storms of life are actually invitations to experience a higher and more consistent level of peace, joy, and freedom than you have ever tasted before?
Are you Connecting?
12 Steps To Health & Happiness, Part 1
At a young age, I got sick, and I don’t mean slightly ill—I was literally facing death. As I desperately clung to life, I set a goal for myself that I have never turned back on: to find health and live my best life.
First Impressions Are Intuitive
When we meet people, we receive insights about the nature of their consciousness, such as their true emotional state.
A Tree In The Storm
Life’s challenges can help us strengthen our spiritual roots and expand our consciousness.
A Lovable Gruff
We casually meet many people on our journey. Most come and go, but some are different—leaving an imprint on our path—and a reason to honor their memories.
The Flow Of Life
The interesting and challenging thing about life is that, like reading a really good mystery novel, we never know what’s going to happen next.
10 Food Rules For Success
We follow rules in areas of our lives where we are successful— and we need them around food and exercise, too, to stay fit, strong, and at our ideal weight.
You Are Changing The World
Could it be that trendsetters are operating at a higher frequency of consciousness than the trend followers, and that the higher frequency carries with it a greater influence?
The Journey Of Self-Transformation
We cannot successfully walk through the door into the future dragging the baggage from the past.
Solutions Come From A Distance
There are ways to be of service to humanity, to feed the flames of hope and possibility, and to continue to allow your fire of well-being and joy.
How I Flunked The Science Fair ...But Saved The World
All that appears lost will be restored as we recognize that we can never lose ourselves.
Don't Forget The Love
Operating from the need to be right, love gets obscured and destructive nonsense happens.
You Are Responsible For Whatever Is Happening In Your Life
Accept that you are 100 percent responsible for whatever is happening in your life.
You Deserve Your Dream
From early ages, many of us have dreamed, fantasized, and painted enchanting pictures on our ceiling of success in our most passionate pursuits.
A Different Kind Of Valentine
There are three ways you can reframe your family experience to open you to more appreciation.
Time Flies
One exquisitely unceremonious day at a time, we get to choose the life we want to live.
12 Lessons About How To Change Your Life
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.—Jim Rohn
The Power Of Faith
The Power Of Faith
The Right Of Self-Determination
When I was a kid, I was really into reading Choose Your Own Adventure books.
Reflecting on Meditation
Meditation is an area of spiritual study that often confuses people.
How To Get Paid Big Time For Your Creations
Meryl Streep is considered by many to be the world’s greatest living actress.
6 Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter
“The first wealth is health.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Embrace The Season Of Change
Our theme this month is change—is one of my favorite topics. It’s exciting, it closely parallels where I am in my life, and it also coincides with my favorite season of change, the fall.
The Lifeguard
Some years ago, on a visit to Southeast Asia, my friends and I ended up on a sleepy little Malaysian island called Lankawii. When we arrived at the boat dock on this island, a lady in a business suit came up to us and said, “Would you like to go to the Sheraton resort?” Evidently, they had just opened the resort, and were looking for Westerners to find out about the place, so we were being asked to stay for free.
Finding Your Truth
You can change your story by knowing you created it!
Who Me? Cry Over An Empty Nest
Today, I became an empty nester. In my own naive fashion, I had always been certain that this would not be an issue for me. I have a full life, a business, and plenty of friends.
Homegrown: Food For The Soul
Growing your own vegetables is not only a great way to find the freshest produce, but it’s healthy for the spirit as well. Homegrown all starts with the soil and getting down and dirty.