Thomas Duddy & Irish Philosophy
Tim Madigan travels through time to seek the essential nature of Irish thought.
The How & Why Of Consciousness
Raymond Tallis says the mysteries haven't been solved.
Jason Friend hacks your identity algorithm.
The Discipline of Action
Massimo Pigliucci tells us how to practice forebearance.
Terry Pinkard
Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University in Washington DC, talks to AmirAli Maleki about how Hegel can help us make sense of modern social, cultural and political hot topics.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
Warren Ward looks at the history of a man who looked at the history of the world.
Parrhesia & Doing Philosophy with Children
Maria daVenza Tillmanns considers the need for freedom of speech for children.
Torture & Ticking Bombs
Edward Hall is sceptical about this infamous ethical example's usefulness.
Saying, Keeping Silent & Showing
Slavoj Žižek on Wittgenstein and Cancel Culture.
The Will Is Not Free: You Have To Earn It
Basil Gala on what it takes to free ourselves from our formative factors.
Materialism, Freedom & Ethics
Philip Badger constructs a materialist ethical theory, with the help of John Rawls.
Criticising Strawson's Compatibilism
Nurana Rajabova is wary of an attempt to dismiss determinism to keep free will.
What Is Free Will?
Grant Bartley wants to know what the problem with freedom is all about.
Spinoza & Other Determinists
Myint Zan compares different ways of denying free will.
Prince Shōtoku (574-622)
B.V.E. Hyde looks at the statesman who fathered Japanese philosophy.
Hannah Arendt & the Banality of Evil
Georgia Arkell reconsiders Arendt's explosive report on the trial of Eichmann.
Hannah Arendt & the Complexities of Loving
Jack Pemment considers the strange attraction between two deep minds.
Russell's Moral Quandary
David Berman holds key oppositions in tension, including concerning morality.
Does a Just Society Require Just Citizens?
Jimmy Alfonso Licon on moral mediocrity.
Seeing Through Transparency
Paul Doolan clearly sees transparency through philosophy.
Where Do Philosophers Get Their Ideas?
Martin Cohen says they get them the same sort of places as everyone else.
What Happened to Philosophy?
Alexander Jeuk says overspecialization, academic debate focusing, and simplistic argument structures, are prominent missteps in modern philosophy.
Why Write Philosophy?
George Sher writes some philosophy to tell us.
Is Progress Possible In Philosophy?
Mathis Bitton suggests three ways that philosophy progresses.
What is the Philosophical Experience?
Eldar Sarajlic philosophically considers what it is to do philosophy.
Being as Onion: A Heideggerian Parable
Mark C. Watney watches Martin Heidegger's kitchen encounter.
The Sopranos
Jarett Figlin discusses depravity & the American dream.
Stoicism in History & Modern Life
Dermot M. Griffin reflects on the sources and relevance of this ancient wisdom.
Overwhelming Evil
Christopher Devlin Brown argues that our wholesale destruction of animals makes veganism humanity’s primary moral imperative.
Augustine (354-430)
Hilarius Bogbinder on the philosophical life of a key figure of the Catholic Church.