When Sepia Is The Best Remedy
People often ask me if homeopathy can do anything for hormonal problems, and I have to tell them, “Yes, indeed, it can.” In fact, more often than not, most health problems that women experience are related to hormonal imbalances, whether they are headaches that occur right around the time the period is due and heightened emotional sensitivity, leading to angry outbursts, or crying spells pre-menstrually, to the hot flashes of menopause.
Small Is Big Medicine
New approaches in contemporary science is making tangible advances in the plausibility dynamics of small, yet big, homeopathic remedies.
Kiara Advani's Wellness Mantra
Kiara Advani is one of Indias most alluringly attractive actresses. She made her acting debut in the comedy film, Fugly [2014].
The Application Of The Law Of Similars In Homeopathic Clinical Practice
It is to be presumed that all homeopaths agree on the universal law of cure appertaining to the exclusive therapeutics of our healing art. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy, has fully explained, by logical arguments, to be found in the 53rd to 56th paragraphs of his Organon, that there can be no other possible law applied for the cure of the sick than the law of the similars.
Homeopathy Is Patient-Centric Medicine
Homeopathy is patient-centric, energy medicine. A medicine repeatedly taken by a healthy person causes symptoms; but, in a sick person with those symptoms, that remedy makes the symptoms disappear. In order to find the bespoke remedy, a homeopath gets at and to the essence, finding the most similar remedy.
The Hypersensitive Individual: Hope & Understanding Thro' Homeopathy
There is so much hoopla for hypersensitivity as a new condition. It has always existed. It was, in fact, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the father of homeopathy, who first formulated the concept and estimated that 10 per cent of his patients were hypersensitive. Well, the fact also is homeopathy, as always, looks out for the initial sensitive cause and treats the whole person. In so doing, it helps to resolve their sensitive disorder and establishes balance to their sensitivity so that the world becomes a friendlier place to live in.
Homeopathy Treats The Individual. Not Just The Illness
The foundational essence of homeopathic healing is keyed to addressing symptoms — subjective and objective — that are unique to the individual and using them as a signpost to prescribe the most suitable, also ‘personalised,’ homeopathic medicinal substance for the entire, all-inclusive, and also comprehensive, healing process.
Hair Allure, Anguish & Homeopathic Treatment
Hair represents a Pandora’s Box of the known and also the unknown. Healthy hair denotes wellness. Brittle, dull hair, likewise, denotes an underlying health concern, or illness. Homeopathy treats the underlying cause, not just hair loss on the surface. The result is — from tress distress, it is tress happiness regained.
3 Homeopathic Remedies For Haughtiness
In the homeopathic approach, not only are the characteristics of the medicinal substance captured, but also their origins — in reference to a particular kingdom. One classical illustration of this all-inclusive approach, from the homeopathic perspective, can be seen by examining the trait of ‘haughtiness’ in a plant [Staphysagria], animal [Lachesis Muta], and mineral [Palladium Metallicum].
May The [Vital] Force Be With You-Part 2 Homeopathy, Star Wars & The Rise Of ‘Fantasy Physics'
One ought to talk about quantum theory [QT]; not just because it too defies ‘common sense,’ but because it is possible to use its way of thinking about things — to elucidate certain, or some, aspects of homeopathy and its therapeutic process.
Diana Penty's Wellness Mantra
Diana Penty made her movie acting debut in 2012 with the romantic comedy, Cocktail.
Homeopathy For ‘Septic' Disorders
Septicaemia, also known as blood poisoning, is a systemic condition caused by the presence of microorganisms, or their toxins, in circulating blood. among the symptoms produced are fever, chills, prostration, pain, headache, nausea and diarrhoea. Fortunately, there are certain homeopathic remedies with a ‘like’ profile to address the potentially serious disease.
Tuberculinum: Paradox In Diversity
The homeopathic Tuberculinum personality presents with a tangible yearning for diverse things. They also give the impression that they are in frenetic hurry, and running out of time, yet fatigued while living on the edge.
Transform Stress Into Power
When you transform your stresses into power — you can turn things around in the best manner possible.
Cough & Homeopathy
Homeopathy is unique because it doesn’t treat the illness per se; it treats the person having the illness. This means that five people with cough will receive five different remedies, based on their unique symptoms, or how their illness presents.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu's Wellness Mantra
Southern prima donna Samantha Ruth Prabhu first carved an extraordinary niche for herself in Gautam Menon’s Ye Maya Chesave.
Superbugs & Homeopathy The Big Difference
When superbugs wreak havoc in hospitals and beyond, causing serious infections, think of homeopathy. You’d only be healthy, wellness wealthy, and wise for it.
Mythology, Zoology & Homeopathic Symptoms
We often see traces of mythology, botany and/or zoology reflected in the symptomatology of several homeopathic remedies. When the homeopath recognises such associations, it leads to a greater understanding of the essence of the remedy. It also makes it easy to identify its need in a given case. An excellent illustration of such a context is seen in Lac Caninum [Dog’s Milk], where its strong association to mythological and zoological elements shows up distinctly in its symptomatology.
Laughter, The Best Medicine
Laughter, The Best Medicine
Hamamelis: When Lack Of Respect Leads To Depression
The homeopathic Hamamelis is most useful for individuals having a ‘fixated’ feeling that they are not suitably acknowledged, or valued, by others. The resultant outcome? Emotional problems and a certain susceptibility to health issues — the foremost among them being depression alongside profound irritability at trifles.
Be Well. Whole Well
Your actions hold the key to your inner self, or awareness. Being mindful of yourself, as philosophers testify, or as physicians now endorse, is a big step — it promotes prudence. So, what is good sense other than being fit, well-heeled, and sensible — all by yourself?
Bottled-Up Emotions & Their Homeopathic Treatment
Emotions control our bodily functions: fear makes our heart beat faster, roots us to the spot, and covers us in cold sweat. Anger makes our blood boil. Disappointment and grief reduce our energy level, weaken the immune system, and sow the seeds for chronic diseases. There’s nothing to worry — when there’s holistic help available with homeopathy.
Laughter, The Best Medicine
BUT REALLY, THEY NEED ME… Dad’s mobile beeped, summoning him to the hospital, where he is an anaesthetist. As he raced towards the hospital, a patrol car sped up behind him — lights flashing, siren blaring.
Aayush Sharma's Wellness Mantra
Aayush Sharma is a new Bollywood actor —a fresh, new face too. He is the husband of Salman Khan’s sister, Arpita Khan.
Caulophyllum & Pregnancy
The homeopathic Caulophyllum is a beautiful remedy for women in their childbearing years... for certain conditions during pregnancy, labour, or after birth. In late pregnancy, it is useful for annoying contractions. In long-drawn-out labour, it is needed for extremely painful, ineffective contractions that do not ‘work.’
Ferrum Metallicum: The Red, Hot Homeopathic Remedy
The analysis of each homeopathic remedy is always fascinating as it reveals a myriad of characteristics associated not only with the substance, from which the remedy is derived, but also their historical, mythological and astronomical framework that many of them embody. Ferrum Metallicum is a good, also interesting, example in the context.
Homeopathy & Flu
Most homeopaths are taught that when a person develops an acute illness, such as flu, it could be an exacerbation of their chronic complaints. If this is, indeed, the case, chronic symptoms may persist during the acute illness, but with the cold, or flu, symptoms added on. What also often helps the patient is a repetition of their constitutional remedy.
Huma Qureshi's Wellness Mantra
Huma Qureshi is synonymous with her pivotal roles in the Gangs of Wasseypur [1 and 2], D-Day, Dedh Ishqiya and Ek Thi Daayan.
Tony's Day Out & Beyond
Tony’s Day Out & Beyond
The Potential Role Of Homeopathic Hypothalamus In The Treatment Of Obesity
The Potential Role Of Homeopathic Hypothalamus In The Treatment Of Obesity