Havelock: Having It All In India
Havelock Island is a paradise above and below the waves. It is up to us to ensure that its future is a sustainable one.
Greening The Dive Business: One Woman's Quest To Take On The World
Marine biologist and professional diver, chloë harvey, introduces us to ginette bariteau, a dive centre owner in who is about to embark on an adventure to green her diving business.
Sustaining An Ancient Legacy
For more than 2,000 years, an incredible culture that combines freediving with the sustainable harvesting of marine life has been kept alive by women in Korea
Mucking Around
The strangest of the strange awaits you in the sand, silt, and rubble. Just make sure than when you go to visit, you don't muck it all up!.
Gender Benders
Sex is a strangely shifting phenomenon in the oceans, and this gender bending is more common than you might ever have realised!.
Stepping Up for the Ocean
I WAS INVITED to the Asian Dive Expo (ADEX) by Mr John Thet and my dearest friend Y.Zin Kim, who is an eminent underwater photographer.
A Culture On The Cusp
The daily lives of many millions of people depend directly on the ocean. Are cultures, like that of the Bajau, heading for extinction in an age of climate change?
Retreat To The South
As the ice in Antarctica retreats, divers have access to places and species that few have ever visited before. But how long will these treasures survive in our rapidly changing world?
Sustainable Alternatives To Plastic
Made from casein, the protein found in milk, dairy-based “plastic” has been in existence for more than a century but was replaced by synthetic plastics.
The Consumption Conundrum
Cleaning up global plastic pollution is a major problem but the real headache is reducing the world’s appetite for this multifaceted material
How Tyres Threaten Aquatic and Human Life
Scrap tyres were once looked upon as a cheap and environmentally green way to recycle waste materials into usable habitats for underwater flora and fauna. Asian Diver looks into how submerged tyres are actually endangering marine and human life
Diving For Treasure In Dumaguete
Black sand dive sites, artificial reefs and seagrass beds. Flamboyant cuttlefish, seahorses, frogfish and nudibranchs of all colours. Dive in with Brandi Mueller as she uncovers the underwater treasures that make Dumaguete a marine paradise and an ideal location for muck diving
Mucking Around
As a new diver, Brook Peterson came to appreciate the beauty of the underwater world, but not all diving is rainbow reefs and unicorn fish. Muck diving is just what it sounds like: scuba diving over an a barren seafloor covered in rubble, dead coral and even man-made trash. Read on as Brook writes about her first encounter with the intrinsic beauty hidden in the muck
The Weird and Wonderful Magic of Mabul
A world away from Sipadan’s mind-blowing wide-angle opportunities is nearby Pulau Mabul, a muck mecca where the critters will give your macro lens a serious workout, as Cat McCann explains
Wakatobi's Macro Magic
Discovering small treasures and unique marine life is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Dive in with Karen Stearns as she takes you on an enchanting journey into the intriguing waters surrounding Wakatobi Resort in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia
Weight Up!
Though seemingly insignificant, weights are an important component of a dive setup that should not be overlooked.
The Anatomy Of An Emergency Evacuation
Consider this scenario: A diver and his partner travel to an island off Fiji, which is only a relatively short distance from Australia, and therefore a popular diving destination.
Voices For The Ocean
We asked a few of our ADEX Ambassadors to speak about conservation issues that are dear to their hearts.
From Smelly Beach to Sydney's Sanctuary
It’s easy for us city-dwellers to get caught up in the rat race of life and overlook the importance of Nature, but for a local community in Sydney, they made it a point not to let their sanctuary die off.
Vacating Sipadan
As the only oceanic island in the whole of Malaysia, Sipadan is famed for its unparalleled underwater beauty. Today, it is one of the top five dive destinations in the world, but it faced great adversities before becoming the paradise that it is today.
Diving The Tobruk
Famed as one of the world’s most spectacular dive regions, the Great Barrier Reef now has a new attraction.
Japan Again Killing Giants
The Japanese government stops pretending it is conducting science and admits it is now allowing a fleet to hunt whales for profit
Mako: Phantom Of The Sea
Naturalist, artist and award-winning cinematographer Joe Romeiro captures unique still images of the world’s fastest shark while freediving. Makos have occupied a unique space in Joe’s heart, and after all these years of filming and photographing them, he continues to push the limits of mako imagery
Five Lessons For Cold-Water Diving
Diving in cold water presents an array of new environments to explore along with new equipment and new considerations.
Feeding Fishermen
Whilst the debate surrounding Oslob’s feeding of whale sharks continues, studies have been conducted on how the tourist attraction has been supporting the livelihoods of fishermen, and perhaps that of the whale sharks too
Shark Bait: Yay Or Nay?
Using chum to allow divers to get up close with sharks will always be controversial, but do the benefits of the practice outweigh any possible downsides?
Hunting A Shark Fleet
After receiving a tip-off regarding illegal fishing boats in East Timor, Sea Shepherd departed on a mission to hunt down the fleet
Restoring the Last Stronghold
Lying on the northwest tip of the Birdshead Seascape, in Indonesia’s West Papua province, are the islands of Raja Ampat.
Craving Something Completely Different? Try Colourful Cold-water Diving
Craving something completely different? Colourful cold-water diving spells true adventure in this remote outpost in southern New Zealand
Reap The Benefits Of Closed-Circuit Scuba
Reap the benefits of closed-circuit scuba at Wakatobi Resort, where rebreathers have been a staple since the early days