Breakthrough in Zika virus vaccine
Researchers from the University of Adelaide have made significant advances in developing a novel vaccine against Zika virus, which could potentially lead to global elimination of the disease.
The 20 biggest and best science stories of 2019
Bank On Microbiome To Keep The Body Healthy
Generally our human body contains large number of bacteria, viruses and fungi and they are collectively known as the microbiome community.
5 High-Protein Indian Street food/ Snacks
Street food of India has famous around the globe. Here we have listed 5 Indian street food with high protein
Top 10 Indian Science Personalities of 2019
10 best food for stress and anxiety control
Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. People can report feeling stressed when multiple competing demands are placed on them.
Are We Really Spoiling India's Science Talents?
It is believed that humans are the noblest creation of God. It is obvious that when the infants see the first sunlight on our planet, they come with an empty brain.
Nutraceuticals for the management of Alzheimer's disease
A lzheimer's disease is a progressive, irreversible form of brain disorder (dementia). It is caused due to deposition of proteins like tau and amyloid in and around brain cells.
US and Canada have lost more than 1 in 4 birds in the past 50 years
A study published in the journal Science reveals that since 1970, bird populations in the United States and Canada have declined by 29 percent, or almost 3 billion birds, signaling a widespread ecological crisis.
Food that help for your kidney detoxification
Your kidneys are two bean-shaped organs inside your body, located in the middle of your back, just below your rib cage, on either side of your spine. It constitute about 0.5% of your body weight and receive 20% of blood that pumped by our heart. The main function of kidneys are Removal of waste like (urea, ammonia, drugs, toxic substances) and keep the acid/base balance in body, To maintain the blood pressure and calcium level in body and Stimulate the making of RBCThere are various factors which can expose the kidneys to toxins. This exposure can result in poor kidney function or kidney infection. If left untreated, this condition can further lead to complete loss of kidney function. Some simple home remedies can help you cleanse your kidneys and keep it free from toxins.
Importance of HbA1c Test in Diabetes Management
Diabetes, describe a group of metabolic diseases in which the blood sugar level is high more than the normal.
Can CRISPR technology help to feed the India?
The way world is moving towards technology, time is not far that we will totally indulged into artificial complex lifestyle full of health complexities.
Myths and Facts of Nanotechnology: Science Operating at Nanoscale
Nanotechnology is the current edge technology which encompasses science, engineering, and technology at the nanoscale. Nanotechnology involves the use of materials which are in the size range of 1 to 100 nanometers (nm).
Water Bears on Moon!!
Tardigrades also called water bears or moss piglets are organisms found on Earth, known to be present in extreme environments.
Red Wine Benefits Linked to Better Gut Health, Study Finds
A new study from King's has found that people who drank red wine had an increased gut microbiota diversity (a sign of gut health) compared to nonred wine drinkers as well as an association with lower levels of obesity and 'bad' cholesterol.
New Opportunities 3D Printing Creates Across Industries
3D printing is one of the technologies that have quickly gained popularity in various industries all over the world.
Why People Gain Weight as They Get Older
Many people struggle to keep their weight in check as they get older.
More Than Two Glasses of Soft Drinks Per Day Cause-Specific Mortality
A new study coordinated by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) examined the association between total, sugar-sweetened, and artificially sweetened soft drink consumption and subsequent total and cause-specific mortality.
Healthy Food, Happy Mind
Ayurveda, our ancient system of medicine, is a science for life.
Why Popular Antacids May Increase Risk of Heart Attack, Bone Fractures and Cancer
An antacid is any substance, generally an acid or acidic salt, which neutralizes stomach acidity.
Edible Water Pods
With the changing life styles of present civilization, wastage/litter in its various forms has become one of the serious problems for the well being of mother planet earth.
Eat These 7 Indian Foods For Good Gut Health
There are millions of bacteria, called microflora found in our gut and they have multiple benefits for the digestive and immune system. If the immune system is healthy, the gut will also be healthy as 70-80 per cent of the immune system is located there. Gut health is linked with different medical conditions. When your gut is not healthy, it may affect your mental health, weight and diarrhoea, bloating, gas, acidity and constipation; which is why it is important to keep you gut healthy and happy. These good bacteria helps in processing the food you eat, helps in digestion, produce disease fighting antibodies and are responsible for producing nutrients and vitamins. Start by eating foods that can repair and strengthen your gut lining. Also load up on sources of pre- and probiotics so you have plenty of the good bacteria. Some Indian food which contain probiotics
5 Indian Healthy Breakfast Foods for Lose Weight
In India prevalence of Obesity is about 12.6% in women and 9.3% in men. Indian meals include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber all of which make for a perfectly balanced meal. When it comes to weight loss, people either think of not eating at all or eating fancy foods. During weight loss, we need to create a calorie deficit, which means more calories should be burnt than the calories consumed. All the calories do not work the same way once they are eaten. An experiment by the University of Missouri involving 20 overweight females between the ages of 18 and 20 proved that a high protein breakfast led to reduced cravings and they also snacked less on unhealthy foods. Mix up your morning meal and try one—or a few—of these 5 healthy Indian breakfast foods that help you lose weight.
Modern Electricity: A Gateway Of Modernity
Electricity defines modernity in the field of science and technology.
Renewable Energy Breakthrough: Solar-Powered Reaction 100 Times Faster
Researchers have developed a tough new catalyst that carries out a solar-powered reaction 100 times faster than ever before, works better as time goes on and stands up to acid.
World's Biggest Aircraft Airlander 10
Founded in 2007, Hybrid Air Vehicles is the company behind the innovative Airlander range of hybrid aircraft.
Let's know why we should include Beet Root in our diet?
The beetroot is the taproot portion of a plant named beet plant. It is not chiefly cultivated in India, it's a crop of Europe but grown at small scale in some areas of India.
Health Benefits of Okra (Lady's Finger)
Ladies finger is a vegetable crop which can be basically grown in tropical and sub tropical areas.
Health Risks From Nonstick Chemicals
Many nonstick pans and utensils are made with toxic chemicals, known as perand polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) both belong to a group of toxins known as perfluorinated chemicals or PFCs for short.
Smart Agriculture In India: Possibilities, Benefits And Challenges
In recent times, there has been a continuous debate on whether big data analytics is the next best thing in technology or just a technological bubble that will burst as the world explores it and begins to use it in real life and work.