Better Broad Bean Planting
Q We love fresh broad beans and attempted to grow some earlier this season by buying plants. They went into good soil, but didn’t seem to take off and were attacked by blackfly. I’ve heard about autumn plantings. Do they work, and when do we sow? Monica Huggins, Camberwell, London
How To Revitalising Your Soil
Rest the ground and feed it for next year, says Ruth
A very different Chelsea
New varieties and innovations will feature, says Peter
Perfect store
Don’t risk losing your harvested crops due to oversight, says Bob – pick and store now so you enjoy them all
Fascinated by flycatchers
Val delights in her visiting spotted flycatcher friends…
A bulb for every situation
There’s a spring bulb for all occasions, says Ruth
On the move, or not!
Ruth lists things to consider before moving a woody plant
Miscellaneous matters
Extracts from 1889, 1916, 1950 and 1969 issues of AG, covering such issues as double anemones, potting up plants and the place of women in horticulture
Potting up bulb lasagne
Q As we only have a small outdoor space, I am tempted by the idea of lasagne bulb planting in a pot. Have you tried it, was it successful and have you any tips on planting the bulbs? Jenny Minchin, Swindon, Wiltshire
Pond care in autumn
Cut back plants and keep water healthy, says Ruth
Quick autumn round-up
It’s a busy time after the midsummer lull, says Ruth
A Good Start At Planting
It’s easy, but there are important things to remember
Primetime for perennials
It’s the season to plant, propagate and move, says Ruth
Reach for the star shrubs
Shrubs are the backbone of the garden and choosing wisely can pay extra dividends in creating lots of seasonal interest, says Tamsin Hope Thomson
Chelsea with a difference
Landmark show returns with new plants in a new season
Sowing seeds in autumn
Peter looks at the benefits of autumn-sown hardy annuals
Lawn care in early autumn
It’s time to prepare your lawn for winter, says Ruth
Sow frost-hardy annuals
Sow your hardy annuals in September and you’ll get much better results than if you wait until next year, says Graham Rice, as he reveals his top picks for sowing now
Tender treatment
Just as we harden off plants, we must do the reverse with those we wish to house indoors over winter, says Bob
The chain gang
Val looks at wildlife’s dynamic nature and food chains
Time to relocate and sow
Ruth sows hardy annuals and moves plants to a new site
Jewels Of An Indian Summer
There’s still time to hunt around for plants that are able to offer a gem-like blooms, fascinating fruits or intricate pods for later this year, says Anne Swithinbank
Why We Should All Be Growing Plectranthus
The Victorian favorite is finding justly deserved favour again, reveals John Hoyland
Grab a nice pear
Why not grow your own melt-in-the-mouth pears, says Bob, as he explains how to avoid mediocre fruits
How to restore a schefflera
Q My son moved away from home and left his favourite plant, a Schefflera, behind. It dropped most of its leaves but is still alive. How can I restore it to health before he returns?
Up where weeds belong
Every weed has a weakness, says Toby, so ditch the chemicals and develop a more hands-on approach
Try drying flowers
Drying your garden flowers for an indoor display is a lovely way to decorate the home. Graham Rice suggests the best flowers to use and looks at various drying methods
Get ready for autumn
It’s time to think about the golden season, says Ruth
Where the wild things are
Val looks at the benefits of uncut meadows and verges
Why don't you get potted?
There are advantages to growing in pots, says Peter