Open Season
OUR TIME I Carlos Reygadas stars with his spouse in a tale of horny bovines and marital discord…
Cape Fear
BRIGHTBURN I What would happen if Superman wanted to burn the world instead of save it?
The Next Big Thing Himesh Patel Is On Song…
It was one of those calls you won’t forget,” says Himesh Patel, reminiscing on when Danny Boyle rang to say he’d won the lead in Beatles-infused romcom Yesterday.
You Talkin' To Me?
Film quotes pose as questions. Film stars try to cope.
Far From Homely
The Good Guys Are the Bad Guys in Super-show the Boys…
A Wrinkle In Crime
THE OLD MAN AND THE GUN I David Lowery directs Robert Redfords last stand
Javier Bardem
The Oscar-winning actor chats long days and legs of ham
Die School Musical
ANNA AND THE APOCALYPSE I A Christmas zom-com-musical worth singing about
Killer Queens
ASSASSINATION NATION I Sam Levinson givesthe Salem witch trials a modern-day spin