Fort Smith, Arkansas: Where The Old West Begins
The historic Arkansas River town invites visitors to explore the past and relax in their welcoming community.
The Best Western Art Museums
Tour the West and discover the grandeur and breadth of artwork that defines the region.
A Bad Bad Man
Lou Diamond Phillips nods to Jack Palance and Charles Bronson in his Big Kill role.
Mapping Our Way
Covering New Mexico’s history, from Spanish Colonial to the Mexican Republic to the territory years.
A Woman's Work is Never Done
The famed cowboy artist’s equal treatment of men and women keeps his art in the top spot.
The Secret Artillery
Denied a role at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, this Gatling gun crew gives Custerphiles another view of the ill-fated fight.
High Times in the Bitterroots
Historic downtown Wallace, Idaho, celebrates its Wild West past.
Shaken, Stirred And Strong
Old West mixologists had many names and many jobs, but their legacy remains the legendary cocktail.
Comstock Inferno
Would the world ’s richest mine survive the Comstock Fire?
From Slavery To Cattle King
“80 John” Wallace pursued his dream and became a millionaire Texas rancher.
Hell On Wheels
Travel across Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming to discover how the Union Pacific Railroad built the West 150 years ago.
Horrors Of Stage Station Grub
A hefty price for food prepared in less-than-sanitary conditions.
Virginia City, Montana
Walk the boardwalks, ride the train and spend the night in a National Historic Landmark.
Beyond Awesome
The Grandeur of the West in Western Art.
A Holdup for the Ages
The Reno Gang’s first train robbery set the stage for the Wild West’s robber bands of brothers.
The Strangest Adoption in the History of the West
The little-known and bizarre border saga of Santa Anna’s gringo son.
Crossroads of the West
A heartland oasis, Kearney, Nebraska, celebrates its Western heritage year round.
Following Arkansas' Trail of True Grit
Two centuries of Old West heritage awaits discovery across the Natural State.
St. Joseph, Missouri
History is alive in the historic home of the Pony Express and Jesse James.
Hot Air & Kind Words
The proper burial of “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s press agent, “Arizona John” Burke.
How Tombstone Got The Right Look
An authentic story, a creative genius.But the costumes took the film to the highet stae of achievement.
An Enduring Everyman Hero
TOM PETTY: 1950-2017
Texas's Loyal Unionist
John Dix fought for the Texian Army, yet not even family could make him become a Confederate.
Arizona's Most Historic Place?
Rancho de la Osa’s 300-year history boasts of Papagos, Pancho Villa and John Wayne.
Who Shot J.W.?
Solving a cold case history mystery of a murder on the lonely Llano Estacado.
Mystery Man Identified
The story of the man wearing “Buckskin Frank” Leslie’s gun belt in an 1886 Tombstone portrait.
Reveille On The Overland Trail
Trace the Western campaigns of the 6th and 11th Ohio Cavalry for Old West adventures in Nebraska and Wyoming.
Buckskin Frank Leslie
Filling the gaps in the long and illustrious life of a Tombstone legend.
The Killing That Put Hardin On The Run
Just who was Charlie M. Webb?
Bread Across he West
The cultural breads that sustained pioneers on the frontier.