Love And Care, January
The Indian animal rights community is often well-connected in pockets, but mostly, the vast majority of activists are disconnected and isolated.
Abyssinian Cat Breed Profile
Although the Abyssinian is one of the oldest known breeds, there continues to be speculation and controversy concerning its history.
Safety & Satisfaction In Structure
Am I the odd one out or have you also often wondered what your dog is thinking?
Caring Of Dogs During Winter Season
It is believed that the most prevalent form of interspecies bonding occurs between humans and dogs, and dogs beening kept as companions, particularly by elites, has a long history (Mark, 1997; Paul and Colin, 2002).
Woman Harassed For Feeding Stray Dogs
–‘Man’s best friend’ is under attack – and in most cases, it’s by man himself’
Yogurt For Pets
Everyone is looking to make sure their dog has the best advantage possible when it comes to their health.
Canine Distemper
An Overview for Pet Owners.
Dog With a Heart of Gold
What is common to Mary Queen of Scots, President Ronald Reagan, Princess Margaret and Micky Rooney? They all owned Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and adored them. Queen Victoria’s beloved Cavalier was named ‘Dash’. On his tomb stone she wrote:
At Home With Your Dog
Loves all animals and lives with a houseful of pets. She believes that any time in their company is time well spent. She has also worked in the field of wildlife conservation, which has taught her to deeply appreciate the precious planed we live in Happiness is a warm puppy
The Adventures Of Rani
The Mumbai Stray Who Found a Loving Family in France.
Why Pets Make Good Companions
From large Saint Bernards and Labrador Retrievers to smaller Dachshunds and Chihuahuas there are 7 major types of dogs, including terriers, the toy group, working group, sporting group, hound group, non-sporting group and herding group.
Dogs Vs Cats
Dogs are usually active, energetic and need regular exercise, whereas cats are generally lazy, and can sleep for 16 hours a day.
Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour: An Update
Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT) is a naturally occurring benign reticulo-endothelial neoplastic disease usually involving the external genitalia of male and female dogs (Cohen, 1985) and also known as infectious sarcoma, venereal granuloma, transmissible lymphosarcoma or Sticker tumour.
How To Gain The Trust Of Your Horse
Building a trustworthy connection with your horse requires time.
There's A Dog In My House!
The partnership of humans and dogs is the one which is perfect. Dogs entered the lives of humans so far back in time that we can only speculate how it could have happened.
The American Bobtail
American Bobtails are loving and incredibly intelligent cats possessing a distinctive wild appearance. They are interactive cats that bond with their human family with great devotion. They can both entertain through their antics and also provide a warm and soft shoulder to their owners to cry on in times of distress.
Why Grow Aquatic Plants?
Why Grow Aquatic Plants?
go and be dazzled by birds at okhla
bird watching, or as the enthusiastic birder would put it – birding – is a remarkable hobby.
Bringing Home A New Kitten / Cat Do's & Don'ts
Bringing home a new kitten or cat is really a good thing.
Effective Communication With Your Dog
Hi Gautam,I have two dogs, a Boxer called Menace and a French Bulldog called Lil’ Uzi. I am busy most of the time at work. However, my dogs have place to run around in the house and the yard, and they spend a lot of time with the house help. In general, they are happy dogs and well socialized. But they have certain issues like they run out every time the main door opens, they jump on all the guests and they destroy furniture in the house. The house help keeps saying “No”, and holding them when the doorbell rings. But they don’t listen to anything we say. I figure that my communication with them is wrong. Please advise.–Anshul Malhotra
Choosing The Right Groomer
We humans spend a lot of time on a daily basis taking a hot shower, as well as on brushing and styling our hair, regular nail spas and pedicures for our personal hygiene.