Summer “Tea-Tox”
Sick of plain water? Cool off with detoxifying herbal iced teas instead.
Family Health Guide
9 Stay-healthy tips for busy families.
Heart-Healing Herbs
Research demonstrates that after a heart attack, these botanicals can assist in recovery.
Ease Arthritis In Pets
Natural ways to help your dog or cat overcome joint aches and pains
What you should know about this constituent of the hemp plant
Autoimmune Disease: Natural Solutions
Autoimmune Disease: Natural Solutions
Healthy Sugar Substitutes To Try Now
We know that too much refined sugar is bad for you, and artificial sweeteners can sometimes add calories to a meal. Instead of going cold (and sugarless) turkey, try some of these healthier sugar substitutions.
Biohack Your Health
A handful of natural tricks can help you tap into the power of biohacking—the new buzzword for anything that improves mental performance and energy, and “hacks” your genetic makeup for a more vibrant life.
Laila Ali
The health-minded mom and athlete turned-author shares her nutrition tips
Unlock Your Brain
Fuel your noggin with these mood-lifting, brain-boosting, focus-sharpening herbs for everyday use
Make Over Your Mood
Bust stress and improve your sense of well-being with these aromatherapy oils and blends
Living Lighter
QVC star, CEO, and fitness trailblazer Marjolein Brugman makes mind-body-spirit wellness simple and achievable on her healthy living website
The Wonder Drug?
There’s so much confusion about CBD oil. Can you separate the fact from the fiction
Can Alzheimer's Disease Be Prevented?
Natural strategies that may help to stave off dementia.
Joint Venture
If you’re like most people, you don’t think about your joints until they get stiff and achy. But you should give them some attention before they cause you discomfort in order to keep them healthy and guard against injury for years to come.
Understanding The Keto Diet
Understanding The Keto Diet
Secrets To Zen
Q: Any natural ways to manage stress and anxiety I haven’t heard a million times? — Sam B., New York
Ease Gas With Herbs
Botanical solutions for excess gas and digestive distress
Linda Evans
The Dynasty icon embraces mind-body wellness to stay active and centred at 74
Ayurvedic Herb Guide
These seemingly magical botanicals have been an integral part of Ayurvedic healing for thousands of years—here’s how they work and what they can do for you.
Health-minded Paths To Happiness
Olympic gold medalist Apolo Ohno, Emmy-winning comic Paula Poundstone, and upbeat spiritual life coach Yvonne Ryba offer thoughtful routes to well-being.
Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure
Many adults deal with high blood pressure. Experts recommend treating it with lifestyle changes and medications, but natural remedies may be just as effective.
Solutions For A Leaky Gut
When our gut and digestion are on track, most of us feel good. When they’re not, a range of gut troubles can make us feel miserable. Here’s how to treat leaky gut for greater energy and faster healing.
Gut Feelings - How Your Belly Affects Your Mood
How your belly affects your mood.
The Dirt On Cleaning Products
Even so-called natural cleaning products could be hiding harmful chemicals. Make a clean sweep with these truly toxin-free cleansers.
Slow the Aging Process With Telomere Treatment
Feed your cells to slow the aging process and resist disease.
20 Supplements You Should Be Taking Now
What’s trending now? These 20 supplement categories are hot - here’s a rundown.
7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Stretch Marks
Natural ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Men's Health Guide
Men, don’t ignore these health essentials
Customize Your Health
Find the personalized supplement plan for your lifestyle