Anabolic Cardiorenal Syndrome
When one thinks of how anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) lead to disease, it’s usually liver disease, gynecomastia (bitch tits), acne and roid rage that come to mind. The truth is, as these complications are important, they are rarely fatal and most often cosmetic. The most important and common medical complications secondary to AAS use/abuse relate to the heart and kidney.
Decrease Body Fat With Vitamin D
Decrease Body Fat With Vitamin D
Big Ron
With Big Ronnie Coleman, Eight-Time Mr. Olympia
How Important Are Acute Post-Exercise Hormonal Elevations To Hypertrophy?
Pretty much anyone who has ever lifted a weight knows that anabolic hormones are important to muscle growth. Physiologically, hormones are substances secreted by glands into the bloodstream where they interact with target tissues to carry out various functions.
Dexter Jackson - The Blade Is Still Sharp!
THE AGELESS ONES OF MODERN PRO SPORTS“Father Time is undefeated.” I’m sure you’ve heard that adage before, and the eventuality of it is unquestionable.
Meal Frequency And Fat Loss
Eat Several Small Meals Daily to Get Ripped?
The Welsh Dragon Dynasty
Flex Lewis Steps Down as 212 Champion After 7 Olympia Titles.
Lessons Of The Mr. Olympia Champs
Wisdom You Can Use to Build Your Best Physique!
Big Ron
With Big Ronnie Coleman, Eight-Time Mr.Olympia.
Power Your Workouts With Peak ATP
New Study Confirms Incredible Performance Benefits
Big Guns Secrets Of The Pros!
Tips, Tricks And Lessons Learned From 8 Of The Greats
Big Ron
With Big Ronnie Coleman, Eight-Time Mr. Olympia
Classic Training Camp
By IFBB Classic Physique Pro Chris Bumstead
mTOR: Beyond Leucine?
If you are a regular reader of MD, you have certainly seen the acronym “mTOR” thrown around in many different instances because of its biological role in regulating muscle growth. “mTOR” stands for “m”ammalian or “m”echanistic Target Of Rapamycin.
Big Ron
With Big Ronnie Coleman, Eight-Time Mr. Olympia.
Mr. Olympia Fat-Loss Stack
Huge— it is not enough. There have been bodybuilders who stood taller and larger than their peers, only to stand back during callouts.
The Arnold Era: HIIT vs. Volume Training
The perfect exercise prescription for greater size or strength involves the manipulation of several key variables, with two of the most important being exercise intensity and volume.
Neon Breon!
Meet One Of Classic Physique's Brightest New Stars
Mr. Olympia Anabolic Stack: Beyond Steroids
Former professional cyclist Lance Armstrong was stripped of seven Tour de France wins due to evidence of performance enhancing drug use, and was eventually banned from sanctioned Olympic sports for life as a result of long-term doping offenses.
Big Gut Dilemma: Is Insulin To Blame?
Finally, someone who cannot be ignored pointed HIS finger at the “600-pound gorilla in the room.”
David Henry
IFBB Pro Guru
The Prophecy
I’m glad you didn’t ask me how to make your lats attach any lower, because that’s impossible.
F*ck Genetics!
13 Tips to Trick Mother Nature and Build YourBest Physique
Bigger: Joe Weider Story Heads to Theaters on October 12th
Bodybuilding Changed My Life
For a long time, I’ve preached to anyone who will listen that bodybuilding saved my life.
2016 Mr. Olympia Phil Heath's Greatest Show on Earth
Joe Weider’s Olympia, the most prestigious contest in the bodybuilding universe, takes place on September 16th and 17th at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas.
Citrulline Vs. Arginine: Which Is Best as a No Booster?
The signaling molecule nitric oxide vasodilation that occurs when NO activates (NO), made up of one nitrogen atom and several cellular signaling cascades that one oxygen atom, has become a popular relax the smooth muscle within the arterial wall, causing the arteries to dilate or compound in the weightlifter’s arsenal for greater exercise performance.
Best Bodybuilder of All Time?
Ronnie Coleman isn’t sure it’s him … or is he?
Can the Bcaa Valine Drive Muscle Loss?
The branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) is an amino acid with a side chain consisting of covalently linked carbon atoms that form a branch-like structure, thus eliciting their name.